Monday, May 31, 2010

Week 7 recap and Hip Hop Abs

Week 7 was awesome! I think I left off with Yoga X on the last blog so we will start with Legs & Back! Unfortunately I got behind this week due to craziness at work, Dentist on Saturday and just being tired! So Sunday I get on Legs and Back. I make it through without pause which is awesome! I used the resistance bands for the first time! Green 40lb band for all pull ups. Maybe it's just me but it does seems easier to a point. Still trying to figure out what the limits are to the bands or how far I can stretch them. Don't get me wrong I got a good burn using them just not used to them yet. My back is getting stronger, not in near the pain as when I started.

Ab Ripper X is getting better too. I did that one without pause either. I still have problems holding my legs up on fifer scissors and the one with the legs straight up and raise hips. V-ups is also a killer. But I am doing my best. One day I will be able to get me legs up on Mason Twist too.

Kenpo X is my favorite! No pause and in the breaks, I keep up doing the running, jump rope, jacks & X jacks! The kicks are getting better and getting faster on my punches!

Hip Hop Abs - We just started this one and it is fun! I love it!! Shaun T is funny, and explains everything and is easy to follow. (until he really picks up speed) LOL. To me, he reminds me a little like Will Smith. I am going to start doing these in the AM and keep going with P90X at night! Hell, I might learn how to dance! Tilt! Tuck! Tighten!

Check out

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Week 7 Days 2&3 P90X

What's up everybody? I have to say this up front. I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!!! P90X is for real! Tuesday night I did Plyometrics, WITHOUT STOPPING!! I am totally psyched! If you have not done Plyo X, you would not understand. Here's a small example: 7 different types of squats, 6 jumps, and some high step moves with some sports bonuses and more. Oh and most of those you do 2 sets. If you are not tired and your legs burn like hell then you need to squat lower and jump higher. It definitely is getting me lighter on my feet.

Wednesday - Day 45 - the halfway point!! Back and Biceps! I freaking rocked this one last night! I increased the weights in about 80% of my lifts and increased the # of pull ups in every set. 85 pull ups in all, but had to use chair:( still getting better:) I can see a big difference in my arms! Now for Ab RipperX! I made it through this one - 349 core moves. I had to modify a couple but made it through without pausing!

Today we got our Showcase kit in, It had Power90, Hip Hop Abs, Turbo Jam, Slim in 6, P90x, Yoga Booty Ballet, resistance bands, weighted gloves (which do not fit me) little ball, Nutrition guides and recipe books and got our new bag of shakeology. I am now ready to start my workout group. I am going to work my butt off this weekend trying to find a location to do it. First session is next Thursday at my house. I can't wait! Next purchases are going to be more resistance bands so I can use them in group sessions and shakeology samples. I would also like to get the P90X whey protein shake and also recovery formula. Guys and girls, if you live in the Fort Worth / Mis Cities / Arlington area please come workout with me. It's free as of now. If I have to rent a place I might have other coaches pitch in for rent. Yes, other Beachbody Coaches are more than welcome to join in! We are a Team trying to make the world healthy! Contact me and let me know! Keep Pressing play People and Bring It when you do!!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week 7 Day 1

OK Last night was Chest, Shoulders and Tri's followed by Ab Ripper X.
This program, P90X, is totally freaking AWESOME. When I first started it 15 push-ups was it. I hated them hated them HATED THEM. Now, they aren't that bad. Last night I did 113. Of course they were not at one time, but they were in the course of 45 minutes. Different styles of them too. Still can't do the 1 armed push ups very good but I am doing my best. Then had the triceps curls, rises, extensions..... I added more weight once again. And those parts (chest, shoulders & Tri's) were on FIRE when I was finished.

But then again I was not finished. 15 minutes of Ab Ripper X remained. I was nervous at first. I wasn't sure that what ever I did to one of my stomach muscles was recovered from the strain or pull or whatever happened Saturday when I was doing it. But I pressed play anyway and sis them all. Once again having to press pause after bicycles. That one kills my upper thighs. And I think I hit pause before the leg climbers. One day I will get my legs up on the Mason Twists too. Overall, getting better, I think bigger and definitely stronger. Gut is still slimming down!
It's getting late & I still have to do Plyo tonight! Keep pressing play people! See you soon!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Coach Journal- First Coach

YES!! I have my first coach under me! And yes she is Lynette! Perfect first coach to have under me as well as a partner to work together to make things happen. We are looking for a building/room/available space to do workouts at least once a week. We are in the Fort Worth area but I am willing to go to an adjoining city. HEB, Arlington, NRH, Haltom City, Keller, Southlake, Grapevine. If you have some space & would like to let me use it I would greatly appreciate it. I may even let you in on some interesting business ventures ;)The workouts are free to do, All you need is some water and a towell. I have some more news coming up about this, so stay tuned!! Lynette signed up with the Shakeology starter kit. Thank goodness, we are almost out of Shakeology and I am totally hooked on the drink. The Healthiest Meal of the Day!!!Check out the information at . We also got the Showcase so when I do have either a home show, workout session, or trade show/convention I will have product for people to see. We are also looking at getting several resistance bands so we are not so limited on the workouts we can do. We have her set up with a facebook page and I have started teaching her how to use twitter. She has some really good ideas about trying to get new customers and coaches. We'll see how they work. If you would like more information about becoming a coach and making some money while you get fit at the same time, check out . There you can find out more about becoming a coach, buy a workout program or some Shakeology or P90x Recovery Drink, protein bars and much more. I need one more coach to make emerald status!! Please check it out and if you are interested, sign up, call me, email me, ask me and I will help you out and answer any questions you may have.

Week 6 Recap

WOW!!! Super busy week! Her guys & girls, how did your week go? Last workout blog was on Plyometrics so I have 4 more to go over for week 6.
Wednesday - Back & Biceps - As I said earlier the Plyo was the leg killer, well this is the one for arms. This workout consists of various curls & push-ups, and if you do it correctly and push yourself, you will come out with arms that flop like jellyfish! lol I mean I don't want to type at all after this one. This is the workout that starts out with slow 3 step curls - wide, normal & military going on Tony's count to 4 cadence. Oh and when you think you are done he'll throw in some bonus pushups. Next is curl city. Slow curls, half curls, Lawnmower pulls, more different style of push-ups. And that last set of curls is the killer set. 1 set of curls 8-10 / 10-15 depends on what you are going for muscle or lean. I went 8 reps with the mmost you can do without losing form. Then 8 more dropping 5 lbs. then 8 more -5lbs. and a last set -5 lbs. Then you have Abripper X after that! Muah ha ha Muah ahahah!

Next day would have been Yoga X, but I was totally busy doing some coaching duties & Research. I'll post about that later. So Friday is Yoga X day. Yoga X is still hard for me. I am getting more flexible and starting to learn the different positions so I'm not twisting my neck trying to see the TV while I am already twisted like a pretzel. Good stretches in it. I actually turn off the fan in the room and build up a REAL GOOD SWEAT! The Balance moves are probably the toughest for me. Getting better still. How do you say it, Namestae?

Saturday ends up being Legs & Back. This week I have been having some back issues. I had to stop in the middle of Back & bicep and have Lynette massage some spots in my lower back. afterwards I finished fine. Same with this days excersise. Made it halfway and had to stop to get a rub down again. The excersise itself is based on pull-ups and lunges for the most part. Pull-ups again one of my most hated things has many different types. Wide grip, close grip, swtich grip, etc..... After the workout, once again Ab Ripper X. I made it halfway through this and did something to one of my stomache muscles right below my rib cage. I think I did it doing the scissors. Whenever I tried doing the Roll up V-ups I could not do the V-ups at all. Unfortunately called it a day. :(

Since I am a day behind I had my FAVORITE workout doing some Kenpo X tonight, My kicks are getting better, Arms are not killing me after the punches and I totally have energy through the whole workout. I don't sit down during the breaks anymore and actually do the X jumps now!!

These last 2 weeks have just flown by. Can't wait until 60 day measurements & pictures to compare.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Another New Product from Beachbody - Turbo Fire

Body Gospel

Plyometrics Week 5

Plyometrics is the X in P90X! I like to call it the Leg Killer. Plyo is squats, lunges jumps, high impact cardio workout! You will burn the calories and Plyo will burn your legs. I was having back issues last night and had to press pause a couple of times until Lynette gave me a lower back rub. I didn't hit pause after that. Let me tell you, by time the warm up is done you are ready to take a break. Then for the next 45 minutes you do 3 exercises in a row for 30 seconds each, then 1 for a minute, then do it all again and finally get a break. Only 30 seconds. The bonus round is fun though with a little sports moves. I could barely move my legs last night. My calves were hurting so good! I was expecting to soooooo sore this morning, but actually I felt great. That's it for now. Hopefully my arms will work good enough to type after Back, Biceps & Ab Ripper X tonight. Catch you later and keep pressing play!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 36 of P90X

Today's workout was Chest, Shoulders, Tri's & Ab ripper X. Push ups have always been difficult for me. If you have seen me or seen my pictures on then you will know that I don't have big arms. I have ALWAYS HATED MY ARMS. Sorry! Also, if you have ever done or are doing the P90X there are TONS of different kinds of push ups & pullups. Today's workout starts out with Slow Motion 3 in 1 push ups where Tony count SLOWLY to 4. You are suppoesed to let yourself down and be at the bottom no sooner than when he gets to 4. Then Back up. Do that 4 times arms wide, then 4 times normal width, then 4 times Military and for the bonus do as many pushups as you can in teh time left. That's just the first. LOL. Like I said there are many different styles of pushups in this workout and different Tricept exercises. I am getting much better. I increased my number of pushups by a couple on most sets and increased weight in the other exercises. Shoulders have a real good burn going right now! Then after that hour of lovely pain & sweat comes Abripper X. The toughest 15 minute exercise I thinkn I have ever done. Boot camp has nothing on this! 11 exercises 25 reps each (for the most part) If you keep up you will have done 349 core moves.
You know, maybe back in high school I could have done Ab Ripper X without thinking twice. I WILL get to that point again. I am well on my way! I have been improving every day!! I can't wait for Day 60 to take pictures & Measurements again. I can already tell a difference from 6 days ago.
The Eating habbits are SO MUCH IMPROVED also. I have for the most part stayed away from fast food and foods with a lot of fat & grease. Cut out the crappy sugar cereals in teh mornings. Love my eggs in the AM with some Chocolate & Peanut Butter SHAKEOLOGY with some whey protien. People....Check into the Shakeology! No Joke!
That's it for now, Please, please, please...if you have questions, ASK?

Coach Summit 2010 Overview

Sunday, May 16, 2010

DFW Fit Club

I am still looking for a location to start the actual DFW Fit Club. Let me explain. The DFW Fit Club will be set up for you guys to do a workout with me (right now using P90X or a Shakeology workout program.) I will have different ones soon. We will meet at least once a week anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the workout. I am also allowing 30 minutes to meet, talk, chill, whatever. These sessions will be ABSOLUTELY FREE!! And if I have enough request or people wanting to do more I am totally up for that too or if we need different days for people. So if you have a place and are interested in helping or if you know of a place, please let me know. Looking in the Fort Worth/Arlington/Mid-Cities area.

After 5 weeks

The past 5 weeks of P90X have been many things. Exciting, frustrating, exhausting, painful, TOTALLY AWESOME! Today I am feeling sore in my legs and butt from doing Legs, Back, Ab Ripper X & Kenpo X yesterday. But the awesome part of that is I went through ALL of Kenpo X full force with extra energy! No Pause only Play! AND I can see the changes in my physical appearance also. Resting today preparing for a new week!
Now for the coaching side of everything! I was hoping for more, but I am practicing patients. I have a couple of potential customers that have dvd's and links to video of programs. I also am about to get my first coach under me. Lynette has Decided to Commit in joining me to Succeed in our coaching programs together. What's even more awesome is that she is going to get the Diamond Pack Summit Kit! So many potentials and positive things coming up in the future.

Frustration NO Excited YES!

My last blog I was needless to say pissed off! My stupidity! I had wondered if P90x was really working. The answer was YES! HELLO!!! McFly!!!! So my measurments wasn't what I was expecting and I actually gained a pound. Here's the thing, I was looking at it ALL WRONG! Hang with me for a minute & you'll see.

#1 I am doing P90X classic. (To build muscle) not P90x Lean ( to loose weight) Then I talked to my upline coach and she sent me a link to an article, I'll include it here at the end, that explained a WHOLE LOT! Read it!! It will change your way of thinking if you are frustrated at the end of your first 30 days. Then I had Lynette take pictures (yes the horrible pictures on my profile page) But I'll be! I can actually tell a difference.

Yesterday was day 1 of week 5. Push ups have never....NEVER been my thing. But I did my best and suprised myself. Chest, arms & tri's! Holy CRAP! I was exhausted. I mean After that I sat down and felt like jello. I could barely lift my arms. I thought for sure I would be sore as hell, but with the help of some Creatine and Shakeology, it wasn't that bad! Forearms & tri's were a little sore.

Tonight was Plyo! I was not expecting the performance that I presented. I made it through 90% of the workout before hitting pause. I was kicking some bootay! I was getting off the ground and ssquatting lower than I had before. So is this program working! That would be a BIG TEXAS HELL YEAH!!!!! I now have MORE energy and am MORE POSITIVE than ever. Here is the link I was talking about. READ IT!! DO IT!! DO IT NOW!!