Sunday, May 16, 2010

Frustration NO Excited YES!

My last blog I was needless to say pissed off! My stupidity! I had wondered if P90x was really working. The answer was YES! HELLO!!! McFly!!!! So my measurments wasn't what I was expecting and I actually gained a pound. Here's the thing, I was looking at it ALL WRONG! Hang with me for a minute & you'll see.

#1 I am doing P90X classic. (To build muscle) not P90x Lean ( to loose weight) Then I talked to my upline coach and she sent me a link to an article, I'll include it here at the end, that explained a WHOLE LOT! Read it!! It will change your way of thinking if you are frustrated at the end of your first 30 days. Then I had Lynette take pictures (yes the horrible pictures on my profile page) But I'll be! I can actually tell a difference.

Yesterday was day 1 of week 5. Push ups have never....NEVER been my thing. But I did my best and suprised myself. Chest, arms & tri's! Holy CRAP! I was exhausted. I mean After that I sat down and felt like jello. I could barely lift my arms. I thought for sure I would be sore as hell, but with the help of some Creatine and Shakeology, it wasn't that bad! Forearms & tri's were a little sore.

Tonight was Plyo! I was not expecting the performance that I presented. I made it through 90% of the workout before hitting pause. I was kicking some bootay! I was getting off the ground and ssquatting lower than I had before. So is this program working! That would be a BIG TEXAS HELL YEAH!!!!! I now have MORE energy and am MORE POSITIVE than ever. Here is the link I was talking about. READ IT!! DO IT!! DO IT NOW!!

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