Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 36 of P90X

Today's workout was Chest, Shoulders, Tri's & Ab ripper X. Push ups have always been difficult for me. If you have seen me or seen my pictures on then you will know that I don't have big arms. I have ALWAYS HATED MY ARMS. Sorry! Also, if you have ever done or are doing the P90X there are TONS of different kinds of push ups & pullups. Today's workout starts out with Slow Motion 3 in 1 push ups where Tony count SLOWLY to 4. You are suppoesed to let yourself down and be at the bottom no sooner than when he gets to 4. Then Back up. Do that 4 times arms wide, then 4 times normal width, then 4 times Military and for the bonus do as many pushups as you can in teh time left. That's just the first. LOL. Like I said there are many different styles of pushups in this workout and different Tricept exercises. I am getting much better. I increased my number of pushups by a couple on most sets and increased weight in the other exercises. Shoulders have a real good burn going right now! Then after that hour of lovely pain & sweat comes Abripper X. The toughest 15 minute exercise I thinkn I have ever done. Boot camp has nothing on this! 11 exercises 25 reps each (for the most part) If you keep up you will have done 349 core moves.
You know, maybe back in high school I could have done Ab Ripper X without thinking twice. I WILL get to that point again. I am well on my way! I have been improving every day!! I can't wait for Day 60 to take pictures & Measurements again. I can already tell a difference from 6 days ago.
The Eating habbits are SO MUCH IMPROVED also. I have for the most part stayed away from fast food and foods with a lot of fat & grease. Cut out the crappy sugar cereals in teh mornings. Love my eggs in the AM with some Chocolate & Peanut Butter SHAKEOLOGY with some whey protien. People....Check into the Shakeology! No Joke!
That's it for now, Please, please, please...if you have questions, ASK?

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