Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Earn Income & Help Others Get Fit!

Are you looking for a second source of income? Tired of working long hours and not seeing your family and friends? Do you want to help people get fit & healthy? Do you want to get fit and healthy? Team Beachbody is looking for motivated people looking to get healthy and help others do the same. Watch this video called Introduction to Team Beachbody and see if you would fit in. It's easy to do and I will help you every step of the way! Help me fight the rising trend of obesity and make some money while doing it.

You can also click on the beachbodycoach link below to find out more on the Beachbody Products or Sign up as a coach. Contact me if you have any questions.

Shannon Houk - Independent Team Beachbody Coach

P90X Shoulder & Arms

P90X - Shoulders and Arms
This workout is all about the arms! Get the dumb bells and Resistance bands out because it's time to BRING IT! In this workout it's Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. It's a repetition workout so you will need to remember to not totally burn out the first set of reps. Remember when doing these; for building muscle in size, you will want to max out in 8 to 10 reps. Start feeling the burn in 6 to 8. For lean muscles, aim for 12-15. Here is one of my shirts I made for a fit club. Fighting obesity and stopping Type 2 diabetes with some P90X and Shakeology.
This has always been a struggle for me as I have always had smaller arms. As a kid I was more focused in playing soccer and weights were never anything I cared about. And I guess it wasn't just as a kid considering I played for 24 years until I had a severe ankle injury. And being a diabetic and the issue of diabetics having problems with their feet I stopped playing. Timing really stunk too, I was about to be on a semi-pro indoor team. That was the end of my fitness journey until last April when I got P90X. Let's see...that was 10 years of no sports or really anything active. So back to the point, I never had a whole lot of strength in my arms. Well guess what kids? Still not, but it is getting better. I can tell a major difference with the amounts of weight I am using now compared to last April - May - June. Next time for this workout I will be increasing some of the weights again! YES!

The exercises consists of Alternating Shoulder Press, In & Out Bicep Curl & 2 Arm Triceps kickback then do it again. Rest. Deep Swimmer's Press, Full Supination Concentration Curls (you should hear Tony say that one. LOL) Chair Dips. I'm Getting better with the dips, but my right shoulder is still giving me a little problem. The next set is Upright Row, Static Arm Curls, Flip Grip Twist Triceps Kickback. repeat. Seated 2-Angle Shoulder Fly, Crouching Cohen Curl & Lying Down Triceps Extension. repeat. BONUS ROUND! In & Out Straight Arm Shoulder Fly, Congdon Curl & Side Tri Rise. If you do this workout right, your arms will feel like Jello. Recovery Formula!!

This is a fun workout. I am really starting to like it alot. Actually I am Really loving this round of P90X especially eating better than the First time around. I am seeing major differences in the workouts. Maybe next time around I can try and shoot some video. One last thing guys & girls. Don't worry if you have big arms, small arms, lift alot or not! Do your best! Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. If you feel good about what you are getting accomplished in your personal journey, then that is all that matters. If you are struggling and not seeing results. Contact me and let's work on it together!

Shannon Houk - Independent Team Beachbody Coach
DFW Fit Club now has a You Tube Channel

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sace $30 on ChaLEAN Extreme through Jan. 31

Resolution deals don't get much sweeter than this. When you order ChaLEAN Extreme between now & the end of January, you'll save $30.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

P90X en Español


Define tus músculos en sólo 90 días con P90X

P90X® es el revolucionario sistema de 12 rutinas de ejercicios que definen los músculos y te ponen a sudar, diseñado para transformar tu cuerpo normal a uno definido en sólo 90 días. También recibirás un completo plan de nutrición de 3 fases, una detallada guía de entrenamiento, un calendario para seguir tu progreso, soporte en línea de tus compañeros y mucho más. Tu entrenador personal, Tony Horton, te mantendrá concentrado y motivado a cada paso ¡y los resultados te parecerán increíbles!

Todos los DVD de ejercicios y manuales están en español.

Set de DVD de P90X + GARANTIA POR 90 DÍAS:


¿Por qué P90X es tan efectivo?

El secreto detrás del sistema de P90X es una avanzada técnica de entrenamiento llamada Confusión MuscularMR, que acelera el proceso de los resultados al introducir constantemente nuevos movimientos y rutinas de manera que tu cuerpo nunca alcanza una meseta ¡y tú nunca te aburres! Ya sea que quieras adelgazar, volverte más fornido o simplemente definir tus músculos, ¡hay una infinita variedad de maneras de mezclar las rutinas para mantenerte motivado más allá de los 90 días!

El sistema completo de P90X incluye:
12 rutinas de ejercicios extremadamente diversas e intensas

01 Pecho y Espalda. Ejercicios de fuerza y definición que hacen énfasis en dos ejercicios clásicos de la parte superior del cuerpo.

02 Ejercicios Pliométricos. Explosiva rutina de salto y cardio de la que está demostrado que mejora dramáticamente el rendimiento atlético.

03 Hombros y Brazos. Potente combinación de movimientos de presión, flexión y apertura que te dejará sintiéndote más fuerte.

04 Yoga X. Combina fuerza, equilibrio, coordinación, flexibilidad y trabajo de respiración para mejorar tu físico y calmar tu mente.

05 Piernas y Espalda. Prepárate para hacer sentadillas, desplantes y elevarte para un ejercicio de todo el cuerpo como ningún otro.

06 Kenpo X. Intenso ejercicio cardiovascular con puños y patadas para el equilibrio, la resistencia, la flexibilidad y la coordinación.

07 Estiramiento X. Logra un mayor nivel de atletismo durante un periodo de tiempo más largo y evita lesiones y mesetas.

08 Sinérgicos para el Centro del Cuerpo. Fortalece y soporta múltiples grupos musculares para fortalecer y soportar el centro del cuerpo mientras condicionas tu cuerpo.

09 Pecho, Hombros y Tríceps. Concéntrate en los músculos grandes y pequeños de la parte superior del cuerpo para llevarte al límite.

10 Espalda y Bíceps. Flexiona esos poderosos bíceps y concéntrate en tonificar y apretar estos músculos de mostrar de los brazos.

11 Cardio X. Esta rutina de cardio de bajo impacto es un divertido ejercicio quemador de grasa que te dejará sintiéndote increíblemente bien.

12 Abdominales X. Esculpe los abdominales en "six-pack" de tus sueños y beneficia tu salud y rendimiento físico general.

¡3 Guías para que empieces!

Plan de Nutrición de 3 Fases de P90X diseñado para ayudarte a perder grasa mientras mantienes altos niveles de energía.

Guía de Ejercicios P90X repleta de valiosa información de entrenamiento para ayudarte a aprovechar al máximo tu programa.

Video Bring It!® "Cómo lograrlo" para un repaso rápido de todo el Sistema de Entrenamiento Extremo en Casa P90X.

Herramientas para mantenerte motivado
Calendario de P90X para fijar tus objetivos de ejercicio, seguir tu progreso y mantenerte motivado.

Asistencia GRATIS en Línea para tener acceso a expertos en salud y apoyo de otros usuarios que te mantendrán motivado.

Reembolso 90-Días Garantizada

Estamos tan seguros que te encantara este programa, te damos nuestra garantía de reembolso de 90 días. Si no estás completamente satisfecho, simplemente llama a Servicio al Cliente para devolverlo dentro 90 días y recibir tu reembolso completo, menos gastos de manejo y envío. Pero podrás conservar el ejercicio Abdominales X y el Plan de Nutrición de 3 Fases como regalos simplemente por probar P90X.     ---> Shop  ----> P90x en español
Team Beachbody is also looking for people to become Latino coaches!! Click the link above and click on the coaching area.

Shannon Houk - Independent Team Beachbody Coach

P90X Plyocide

 Today I swapped out P90X Plyo X with Plyocide. I LOVE THIS WORK OUT! I can not wait until they come out with P90X:MC2. The upside is new exercises. Your legs will burn, you will get tired and YOU WILL SWEAT! I did not turn on the heater in the garage tonight, so I am guessing that it was somewhere in the range of 55 to 60 degrees. Sweat was dripping and my green shirt ended up a very dark green shirt. I knew I should have taken pictures tonight. Next Time I promise. Since Tony takes some breathers in between I should be able to set up in between exercises. AND.....what is the real reason he had a black eye? Was it the Lab, the Rhino, The 7' tall basketball player, peg, girlfriend or his own knee? The downside to this DVD is (especially for those who want to jump from one exercise to the next) is his breaks in between. I don't care I love the guy! He has helped me change my life for the better. If you are into sports, you will probably like these. Reminded me of Soccer, Football & Basketball drills with some other moves in between. Make sure you have some water and don't forget that Recovery drink. If you do your best, you will need it! Things you may want to do this is jump rope, basketball or soccer ball, sturdy stool, light dumb bells and a medium size empty box. maybe a medicine ball which I will need to get. Just used my soccer ball for now. Anyway, Plyocide is awesome! My favorite next to Kenpo X. Might even be better. I will have to see what his Kenpo 1 on 1 might be. HMmmmmm. Until next time.......BRING IT!!!
Shannon Houk - Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Biggest Loser Fans

Hey Biggest Loser Fans, meet the new trainer!! You can get Brett's work out Rev Abs from me! Watch the video then go to click on the shop button and get this awesome work out program.

MLK DAY Work Out

Happy MLK Day! And much like Martin Luther King Jr. I have a dream too. That dream would be to see the world free of obesity and Type 2 diabetes! Together you and I can do it. Come on people, eat healthier, drink your shakeology and Bring It, Dig Deep, get on Fire (or whatever the Chalene people say) get off your couch and walk, run, bike, move, groove, jump, lift, pull, push, twist it doesn't take much to get started and myself and 50,000+ Beachbody coaches are out there to help!!

Ok Day 1 Week 3 - Oops - hold that. I was off work today so I worked on a new website, please check it out and let me know what you think. Shannon's DFW Fit Club Then I jumped in the garage and did Insanity Fast and Furious. HOLY COW!!!! I forget how tough Shaun T's workouts are. But I don't feel so bad about grabbing my knees and catching my breath. Shaun and the people working out with him were doing the same. WATER & RECOVERY DRINK!!

Now on to tonight - P90X Day 1 Week 3 Chest / Back / Ab Ripper X. OH THE IMPROVEMENT. I haven't totalled the # of push-ups but I know I did way better than the first day of this round. And I bumped up the Heavy Pants from 25lbs. to 40lbs. and Lawn Mowers 50lbs. to 70lbs. This picture was me doing Lawn Mowers with 50lbs. I will feel this workout in a couple of days FOR SURE! I didn't do great on Ab Ripper X tonight. I was toally beat by time I got to it. I did do my best, so I'm cool with that.  Hard to compare with last week since I was at a workout with Tony Horton (and by the way was sore for 3 days). Mean Man - Mercilous. LOL Just kidding, he was freaking awesome. It's like Shaun T said. I am here to help you, to train you. Not kill you. you get to kill yourself to get in shape! (It's close to what he said.) Anyway guys - I may total some of this up tomorrow in some spare time and see the totals. Keep pressing play and if you are having trouple with something feel free to give me a shout!

Shannon Houk - Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Thursday, January 13, 2011

End the Trend of Obesity

Calling all fitness junkies! Team Beachbody® is united in a mission to End the Trend™ of Obesity once and for all. But we need your help to make it happen! Become a Team Beachbody Coach and spread the message. It's easy! Sign up, work out & tell others! Once a coach you save $$ on Beachbody Products, get paid when your customers buy from your store or you get coaches under you and help others get healthy. To find out more, fill out the contact info on my Contact Page and I will get in touch with you within the next 24 to 48 hours! Talk to you soon! BRING IT!!

Shannon Houk
Independent Beachbody Coach

Beachbody Solution - Nutritional Supplements

Beachbody Nutritionals; an entire line of supplements to complement your fitness program. Contact me for more information.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Shannon's Shop on Facebook

My facebook page DFW Fit Club now has Shannon's Shop on it. Here you can find links to get some awesome programs like P90X, Insanity, Hip Hop Abs and more, the Healthiest Meal of the Day "Shakeology" and P90X Results & Recovery Formula. Don't wait, don't hesitate! Get Fit Today!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

P90X LIVE with Tony Horton

Monday, January 10th was Tony Horton's "Bring It" work out & Book signing. Absolutely AWESOME doesn't even describe the experience. To actually get to work out with the man who has lead me in the craziest of moves, made me laugh while fighting to make it through the exercise & has helped me lose 30 lbs. and drop my insulin intake per meal is beyond words. And he is just the same in real life as he is on the videos.

He has recently wrote a book titled "Bring It" which has excellent nutrition & exercise information. Still cracks the jokes and still BRINGING IT. This is a great book for a beginner just getting involved in a fitness journey or the pro athlete looking for pointers on improving. GET IT!!!!

The energy was in the air in Grapevine, TX. With over 300 coaches & guests waiting for the man who has changed their lives to run out on stage and cause them to sweat. We got to hear some amazing success stories on how Tony has helped people transform. From people who lost up to 120 lbs to 80 lbs. Everybody in the room had a story.

Met up with a couple of new friends working through their fitness journey using programs like P90X, Insanity and Power 90. Jason on the right has recently become my Coach/Business success partner as we help each other keep motivated and focused on being successful in helping others change the world and fight obesity. And make a few $$$ along the way. Dwayne (on the left) has been using Power 90, P90X & insanity to get fit and feel better about himself. Not a coach (YET). He and I plan on doing some work outs / fit club in the near future. BRING IT gentlemen! Great meeting both of you in person.
Tony runs out on stage waving a big Texas flag. I wish I had my camera out for some of the actual workout but I was too busy sweating. He led us through one big bad workout. 5 rounds of upper/lower/core workouts with 30 second breaks between each round. We did everything from downward/upward dog push ups , kenpo, banana crunches, Mary Catherine lunges and much more. Mason Twists until you couldn't do any more. This girl one lasting 3 minutes 52 seconds. WOW! (and wow upside down is.....MOM) LOL.
After the workout and 2 more bottles of water, we got to stand in line which was fine, for the book signing and PICTURES! Thanks Dwayne for taking this picture!! Look at him smile. I hope to have half of that mans energy when I am in my 50's. I was in pain at the time. Thanks Sandy for the recovery drink. I owe you one.
Tony, thank you so much for P90X, Power 90, 10 minute Trainer, P90X 1on1 and looking forward to P90X:MC2.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tony Horton in Dallas Monday, January 10th

Tomorrow night, the man who created P90X and led me & many others through many sweaty days and nights will be in Dallas, TX leading us in a workout and will also set aside some time for a book signing and pictures. You can register here . Coaches are free and guests are $20. Guests will receive Tony's new book "Bring It". Coaches can get the book during registration and it will cost $20. The event will start at 7pm CT.
Hope to see you there!
Shannon Houk

Success Stories with Beachbody

Here are some success stories from coaches working with Team Beachbody. I actually know some of these coaches personally. Join me and together we could one day share our success stories.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Free Coach Sign-Up - Super Saturday - Tony Horton Workout

Hey everybody, just a quick note. Today is the last day for free sign-ups to become a Team Beachbody Coach. Tons of benefits, and the joys of getting fit and helping others do the same!!

Also tomorrow is Super Saturday. You can be my guest for free or coaches will be $5 in Grapevine, TX 9:30am - 12:00pm.

Tony Horton will be in Dallas Monday night for a workout and book signing! Free for coaches and $20 for guests. Guests will receive Tony's book "Bring IT'.

Contact me if you are interested in any or all of these opportunities or events.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

P90X Day 4: Yoga X

Silly rabbit has still not charged the camera, not that it would matter. No one awake to take the pictures. Yes I did the pictures on the past posts myslef but with YogaX you pretty much go from move to move without any small breaks in between

Now, I wouldn't mind Yoga but this one is close to an hour and A half long.

At first you do a bunch of Downward Dog moves into Warriors Pose, Then move along to the rest of the exercises. I think I did much better than last yer.

Ok, I can barely keep my eyed oepen.

Good Night ,

P90X Day 3 - Shoulders / Arms / Ab Ripper X

Ok the first thing you will probalby notice is that there are not pictures in this post. SOMEBODY (me) forgot to recharge the camera battery. DOOOOH! I have one picture, but like I said the battery is dead.Now on with the rest of the story.

P90X: Shoulders and Arms - Get out those Dumbbells and/or resistance bands. This workout will push you though moves such as pressing, curling and fly movements. We are concentrating on the deltoids, biceps & triceps. Now it will be good if you have several sets of dumbbells/bands. That way you will not have to stop between each move and switch weights. You will also need a chair or something to do dips. You will do each set of moves twice. 3 exercises - repeat then 30 second break. Remember: If you are looking to get bigger muscles do 8 to 10 reps feeling the burn in the last 3. For lean muscles do 12 to 15.

The moves today included Alternating Shoulder Press, In & Out Curls, 2 Arm Tricepkickback, Deep Swimmer Press, Full Supination Concentration curls, Chair Dips, Upright Rows, Static Arm Curls, Flip Grip Twist Tricep Kickbacks, 2 anled shoulder flye, Crouching Cohen Curls, Lying Down tricep Extension, Plus a BONUS round - In & Out Straight Arm Shoulder Flys, Congden Curls & Side Tri Rise.

Then of course, after that comes Ab Ripper X. I did way better yesterday than I did Monday noght,

Insanity - Get Fit or Get Out

how Insane are you? Dig Deep!

Hip Hop Abs

Hate Sit Ups & Crunches? Check out Hip Hop Abs!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Project you Type 2

Do you have Diabetes? Are you at risk of getting diabetes? See how Beachbody & The American Diabetes Association can help you!

I can help you! Watch to see how!

P90X Day 2 Plyometrics

Jump, Squat, Kick, Lunge, Hop, Leap, Run.....Welcome to P90X: Plyometrics. This is the Xtreme of P90X. Heart Pumping, Leg Burning, Cardio Craziness. This will get you breathing. So "Get Ready...It's Coming".

Even though I am a P90X graduate, I still had my concerns with doing Plyo. #1 it has been a while since I had done it. In my first round I had problems with my lower back getting sore from the jumping and squatting. But much to my surprise I did pretty good. Now those that have done Fit Club with me know I push myself. Sometimes a little too much. (At least that is what Lynette says.) I was raised in sports, mainly soccer, and I am very competitive. Even though this is not a competition I still push myself 100%. But like I was saying, no problems last night doing Plyo.
The warm up for Plyo is exactly that. The 30 prayer squats get an awesome burn in the legs. When you do Plyo X remember this - DO NOT EAT AT LEAST 2 HOURS BEFORE. Nobody wants to see what you had to eat. Bring water, and even Tony suggests that you put some recovery drink in for this workout.
Some of the things you will need for this workout is a towel, a stool, and be ready to BRING IT. This is a tough workout, so don't feel bad if you have to pause it to catch your breath, but don't go and sit down. Stretch or walk around. Because of the intensity of Plyo, they do throw in a few 30 second breaks.
The workouts go in a series of 3 30second exercises and 1 1 minute exercise. Then you get your 30 second break. "Come On, You can do anything for 30 seconds!"
Just remember to "Do your best. Forget the Rest." And if you have problems doing a move, MODIFY. Instead of jumping, take a step. The DVDs will show modifications. I will too if you want help.
I really enjoyed doing Plyo last night, and can really tell how this AWESOME program is helping me change my life. Everything from getting healthy and fit to having a positive outlook on life. I'll talk more nutrition and Shakeology next week. If you haven't tried it, ask me & I'll get you a free sample. By the end of Plyo you will definitely need to stretch and cool down.
This is one tired DUDE ready for some recovery drink.

Tony Horton, The man behind P90X on CNBC:

Tony Horton, The man behind P90X on CNBC:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

P90X workout Day 1 - Chest/Back/Ab Ripper X

So now you have everything done and are set up to start your fist day. Fit Test & Measurements complete? AWESOME!!

What you will need for Day one is Dumb bells, Chin up bar, a chair, towel and water. You can also use resistance bands. I use all the above. I almost forgot, you will want to keep up with what you do with a P90X worksheet.

Now day one is all about upper body strength training. Chest, back, arms and eventually abs. First off you will start with a warm up and stretch. VERY IMPORTANT that you do not skip this and jump into the workout. P90X is Xtreme and you don't want to hurt yourself on the first day. After the warm up you will get busy with pull ups and push ups of many different styles. I have been having some shoulder issues lately so I use the the resistance bands for the pull ups. On most of these exercises you will do as many as you can, but remember you will have 2 rounds of these. Don't burn out in the first round. Don't slack off either. Towards the end of the rounds you will run out of pull ups and will start using the dumb bells. This workout lasts about 45 minutes. Do the cool down and stretch again. Your body will thank you for it.

Don't turn that DVD off yet. Now comes the real fun. hope you have a padded floor or mats. It's time for AB RIPPER X!! Tony states right before you start, "I hate it, but I love it". If you stick with the gang on the screen you will do 349 ab/core moves. My abs are very sore today from doing this last night even with my recovery drink. And I have to agree I love it and I hate it. This time around I am going to eat WAY BETTER and I plan on being ripped by the end of 90 days. (If I can move tomorrow.) Time to get ready for Day 2 - Plyometrics (Jump! Jump! Jump!) Here are some pics from Day 1. Hard to do by yourself. BRING IT!!!