Tuesday, January 4, 2011

P90X workout Day 1 - Chest/Back/Ab Ripper X

So now you have everything done and are set up to start your fist day. Fit Test & Measurements complete? AWESOME!!

What you will need for Day one is Dumb bells, Chin up bar, a chair, towel and water. You can also use resistance bands. I use all the above. I almost forgot, you will want to keep up with what you do with a P90X worksheet.

Now day one is all about upper body strength training. Chest, back, arms and eventually abs. First off you will start with a warm up and stretch. VERY IMPORTANT that you do not skip this and jump into the workout. P90X is Xtreme and you don't want to hurt yourself on the first day. After the warm up you will get busy with pull ups and push ups of many different styles. I have been having some shoulder issues lately so I use the the resistance bands for the pull ups. On most of these exercises you will do as many as you can, but remember you will have 2 rounds of these. Don't burn out in the first round. Don't slack off either. Towards the end of the rounds you will run out of pull ups and will start using the dumb bells. This workout lasts about 45 minutes. Do the cool down and stretch again. Your body will thank you for it.

Don't turn that DVD off yet. Now comes the real fun. hope you have a padded floor or mats. It's time for AB RIPPER X!! Tony states right before you start, "I hate it, but I love it". If you stick with the gang on the screen you will do 349 ab/core moves. My abs are very sore today from doing this last night even with my recovery drink. And I have to agree I love it and I hate it. This time around I am going to eat WAY BETTER and I plan on being ripped by the end of 90 days. (If I can move tomorrow.) Time to get ready for Day 2 - Plyometrics (Jump! Jump! Jump!) Here are some pics from Day 1. Hard to do by yourself. BRING IT!!!


  1. Hi I just stumbled upon your blog and am lovin the pics! Me and my friend have started the P90x classic and are videotaping our experience -please follow! We may hit you up with questions since you're already a P90x grad. ssfitexpress.blogspot.com

  2. AWESOME! You can hit me up with questions anytime. I'm not only a P90X Grad, but also a Team Beachbody Coach. So I know most of their programs and supplements. Good luck on your journey.
