Wednesday, January 5, 2011

P90X Day 2 Plyometrics

Jump, Squat, Kick, Lunge, Hop, Leap, Run.....Welcome to P90X: Plyometrics. This is the Xtreme of P90X. Heart Pumping, Leg Burning, Cardio Craziness. This will get you breathing. So "Get Ready...It's Coming".

Even though I am a P90X graduate, I still had my concerns with doing Plyo. #1 it has been a while since I had done it. In my first round I had problems with my lower back getting sore from the jumping and squatting. But much to my surprise I did pretty good. Now those that have done Fit Club with me know I push myself. Sometimes a little too much. (At least that is what Lynette says.) I was raised in sports, mainly soccer, and I am very competitive. Even though this is not a competition I still push myself 100%. But like I was saying, no problems last night doing Plyo.
The warm up for Plyo is exactly that. The 30 prayer squats get an awesome burn in the legs. When you do Plyo X remember this - DO NOT EAT AT LEAST 2 HOURS BEFORE. Nobody wants to see what you had to eat. Bring water, and even Tony suggests that you put some recovery drink in for this workout.
Some of the things you will need for this workout is a towel, a stool, and be ready to BRING IT. This is a tough workout, so don't feel bad if you have to pause it to catch your breath, but don't go and sit down. Stretch or walk around. Because of the intensity of Plyo, they do throw in a few 30 second breaks.
The workouts go in a series of 3 30second exercises and 1 1 minute exercise. Then you get your 30 second break. "Come On, You can do anything for 30 seconds!"
Just remember to "Do your best. Forget the Rest." And if you have problems doing a move, MODIFY. Instead of jumping, take a step. The DVDs will show modifications. I will too if you want help.
I really enjoyed doing Plyo last night, and can really tell how this AWESOME program is helping me change my life. Everything from getting healthy and fit to having a positive outlook on life. I'll talk more nutrition and Shakeology next week. If you haven't tried it, ask me & I'll get you a free sample. By the end of Plyo you will definitely need to stretch and cool down.
This is one tired DUDE ready for some recovery drink.

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