Wednesday, January 19, 2011

P90X Plyocide

 Today I swapped out P90X Plyo X with Plyocide. I LOVE THIS WORK OUT! I can not wait until they come out with P90X:MC2. The upside is new exercises. Your legs will burn, you will get tired and YOU WILL SWEAT! I did not turn on the heater in the garage tonight, so I am guessing that it was somewhere in the range of 55 to 60 degrees. Sweat was dripping and my green shirt ended up a very dark green shirt. I knew I should have taken pictures tonight. Next Time I promise. Since Tony takes some breathers in between I should be able to set up in between exercises. AND.....what is the real reason he had a black eye? Was it the Lab, the Rhino, The 7' tall basketball player, peg, girlfriend or his own knee? The downside to this DVD is (especially for those who want to jump from one exercise to the next) is his breaks in between. I don't care I love the guy! He has helped me change my life for the better. If you are into sports, you will probably like these. Reminded me of Soccer, Football & Basketball drills with some other moves in between. Make sure you have some water and don't forget that Recovery drink. If you do your best, you will need it! Things you may want to do this is jump rope, basketball or soccer ball, sturdy stool, light dumb bells and a medium size empty box. maybe a medicine ball which I will need to get. Just used my soccer ball for now. Anyway, Plyocide is awesome! My favorite next to Kenpo X. Might even be better. I will have to see what his Kenpo 1 on 1 might be. HMmmmmm. Until next time.......BRING IT!!!
Shannon Houk - Independent Team Beachbody Coach

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