Sunday, January 2, 2011

Before Beginning P90X

If you are thinking about getting the P90x workout programs or if you have it and about to start make sure you read the manuals before hand. There is a lot of very good information in there. This blog is more about getting prepared to start your journey. Now, some of you say (and I was in that crowd also) that this is insane and that there is no way I can do that. WRONG!! As long as you have a reasonable goal in mind and you stick to DOING YOUR BEST. You can do it. Tony has many saying throughout the workouts that will (I guarantee) get stuck in your head. And you will start quoting them without realizing it. "Do your best and, forget the rest, Bring It, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was your body, Recovery Dink, etc."
Now if you have your discs, watch the How to bring It video first.
Second thing to do is to take your before measurements. Why? Because you can't just depend on a scale. Muscle weighs more than fat. So keep up with those inches. Also your clothes will be able to tell you how you are doing. Losing fat, gaining muscle or no difference. OK if there is no difference you might want to push play or get with a Beachbody Coach to see if they can help. Also take a before picture. Yes, yes no one likes to take a before picture but it is well worth it. Take several pictures in different poses. I have a list if you want some. Also don't wear baggy clothing for this. Sportswear, swimsuit, your get the drift.
Now go to to create a profile and post your pics if you haven't done so already. If you would like me to be your coach and help you out leave a comment at the bottom or contact me & I will be more than happy to help.

Now it's time to take the Fit Test. This is so you know where you are at physically and you will be able to see your progress as you do the workout. You will need a Heart Rate Monitor, Body Fat Tester, Tape Measure, Scale, Partner to help record data, Chin Up Bar, Timer, Towel, Water and your "BRING IT" game face.

For the actual test you will need to take a resting Heart Rate, Then Max Pull ups, Vertical Leap, Max Push-ups, Toe Touch, Wall Squat, Bicep Curls, in & outs, Heart Rate Maximizer after Jumping Jacks. Again Consult your book or get them here P90X Fit Test .

Hope this helps you get started. This will be a struggle for many. Don't give up. I am here to help, contact me anytime. There are also message boards on the Beachbody website that have great tips. Another thing to look into is the P90X Results and Recovery Formula.
Now get out there, get you test done and let's rock this year! I am doing mine around 5 or 6 tonight if anyone is in the area and wants help, a workout partner or coach. Day 1 is tomorrow!

Shannon Houk
Independent Beachbody Coach

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