Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Beachbody Interview

Cool thing happened to me in the last week. Thursday, a friend of mine told me that the Beachbody production team would be here in Dallas and were looking for people to conduct some interviews on Shakeology. So I was like, sure I'll send in my info. To my suprise,  I was picked. We set up the interview to be at my house at 7pm Monday. Needless to say I was nervous. I have been in music videos, shot as a zombie, but never anything like an interview where the focus was on me.

On my way home, Lynette calls me around 6pm saying the camera crew was already there. Good thing I was only 5 minutes away. I got home and let them in and we started setting up. That was a lot of equipment for an interview. While setting up I got comfortable with the crew and they were telling me about filming stuff at the Super Bowl the day before. Pretty interesting stuff. They did say the Black Eyed Peas sounded way better at the stadium than what was heard on TV. Now we are just about set up and Natalie is stuck in traffic. Traffic was pretty bad Monday. We make a few more minor changes and Natalie shows up.

Now we are a tad behind schedule she takes off her jacket and moves towards the chair for the interview, I start to move towards my chair and she asks, "So where is Shannon? I she about ready?" We all laugh as I explain that I am Shannon. She said that I was the first man she had met named Shannon. Still funny. Great ice breaker.
Now time for the interview, we go and talk about me growing up and all the soccer I played. Me being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and what the difference is between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. We went on to me getting injured playing soccer and being diabetic leading up to me quitting the game and the events that led up to me getting to the weight of 215-220lbs. (Most of my life I had been a skinny kid, weighing anywhere from 150-175lbs.). We talked about the events that led up to me starting P90X and then getting involved with becoming a Team Beachbody Coach and starting Shakeology. Then discussed how Shakeology and P90x has benfitted my health and my wallet. How after 3 months I was off Cholesterol Medicine, I was taking less Insulin for my diabetes, my diabetes has been under control, and how Shakeology actaually saved me money because of this. We also talked about how it can benefit someone who is a Type 2 diabetic, someone who has High Cholesterol, Is Over Weight, who "Eats like a 2nd grader". I got to explain how Shakeology is the Healthiest Meal of the Day and how it is helping me change my diet in which I have lost 30lbs.
So the interview is pretty much over and Natalie says get in your workout clothes. She wants to see my workout area and wants the crew to shoot me working out. By the way- Thank you Natalie for the comments. Unfortunately we didn't have everything set up in the garage like normal due to the Ice Storms we had the prior week and the car had been in the garage. Now before the workout we shoot me making a glass of Shakeology and me drinking it. I let her try one of Lynette's Shakeology No Bake Cookies and she really liked it. The recipe is on my Facebook Page in the Notes. Then we go into the living room which is where my second option for workout are help. I do a little Plyometrics for the camera. Then we let the dogs out so they could catch me playing with them. While in the garage she saw my drums for my roock band game. She wants me to play a song while on camera. Since I had everything set up in the living room I just grab a guitar and do that instead of dragging the drum set in. I start playing an alice in Chains song and I start hearing " Have fun with this", " Bang your Head", " Jump Around". I hate missing notes and messing up but I finally started goofing around which ended up to Tony's Rock Star Hops with the plastic guitar in my hands. Funny stuff! THANK YOU TONY!!!
That pretty much wraps up the interview. She asked if I was going to Summit this Summer and I said that I am. She tells me that we may see me up on screen at Summit. Now that would be freaking cool!! Thank you Beachbody for the life changing experience and giving me the ability to do things that I would never be able to do. I am in the process this week of shooting videos to submit for coaching commercials, infomercials, video, something. Plus Natalie wants me to send in some other videos of my sons and me playing soccer and some other scenarios. Plus I am having my DFW Home Fitness Grand Opening and Shakeology Tasting this Saturday at 4pm. If you are around the area and available, stop on by. I'll be recording some of that also. So, until next time, eat and drink healthy and always do your best, forget the rest. BRING IT!! See you soon.

Shannon Houk - Independent Team Beachbody Coach

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