Saturday, July 17, 2010

Coaching Opportunity

Becoming a Beachbody coach has been very rewarding to me. First of all you get 25% off any Beachbody purchase. You get all the latest and greatest info about upcoming products & programs such as info on the P90X:MC2 and Insanity:Asylum. Great nutrition info. You get to meet new people and most of the ones I have met are super positive, motivated and like me LOVE Beachbody. You get customers and make 25% off anything a customer buys and 10 or 15% off anything a coach under you buys. There are all kinds of bonuses for getting coaches signed up. And the best part (for me at least) are the workouts. I Love p90X, hip Hop Abs and Insanity is really growing on me quick. I am really enjoying getting together with the fit clubs and fighting Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. (More about that in the next blog.) Over 36% of Americans are Obese in this country. With you, me and every Team Beachbody Coach, we can make a difference. With this company you go at your own pace. Some people go at it full blast and others just whenever they have time. Some have made enough $$ they retired from the 9-5 day job just to do Beachbody. Now they travel, have time to spend with their families or they are buying the things they couldn't buy before. Some are even just doing it to cover their workout & nutrition expenses. I invite you to an event this Saturday, July 24th to a Team Beachbody Coach Leadership Training. You will learn about our company and how the business side of it works. And if you decide to, you can become a coach that day and start working on reaching your financial goals. This event is free for non-coaches. Coaches are $20. You do have to register for this and you can either bring a luch with you, try to find a place to eat close by (from what I hear, good luck) or pay $12 for a box lunch. If you have questions, feel free to ask. Here are a couple of links to look into.
Dallas Summer of Success Coach Training This is the fanpage. You will need to click on the link on the page to actually register for the event. This is my Beachbody website. You can also email me at Are you going to BRING IT? Talk to you soon.

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