Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Week 9 for me Week 1 for Charlie

My 14year old son has decided he is wanting to get in shape this summer. I told him I could help him out. He has watched me do a couple of the exercises from P90x and Hip Hop Abs, but never seemed interested. He said he wanted a copy of Kenpo X to take home and do, But we haven't done that. He is staying with us this week while his brother is at church camp. I believe i am at day 57 and he is on day 1. Chest & Back. Finally get to use the resistance bands. First thing I notice for me is I am knocking out push ups left and right! 30 standard boom done, 20 military, 20 wide etc... When I first started I was struggling with 15. The first day I did around 105 push-ups total with a third of those on my knees. Monday I did a total of 194 Push ups - no knees!! Pull ups and stuff to that nature I used the bands. I actually combined the Red & Green which means that those equal to about 60-70lbs. of resistance. Upped the weights again.
Charlie did great! He never quit and kept pushing to do more. He is in about the shape I was when I started this but 24 years younger and more energy than I had. He struggled with the push ups, used the purple bands for the pull ups. The boy has some balance issues. LOL

Abripper X - I nailed this one except fifer scissors. Ugh that one just kills me. They are all hard, but that one does me in. Charlie is still hanging in. Of course he is trying to keep up with me, but I have 2 months on him. He keeps up the effort and does not get frustrated, he could be the hot guy of the 9th grade. LOL We'll see if he reads this or not! Muah ha ha haaaa! Now were was I? Oh YES! No Pauses, No Breaks. We kept up good records of the Chest & Back, but he did not keep track of ARX. Today he said he was a little sore and it hurt to laugh. You will get better son. Keep the smile going!!

Today we did Plyometrics. That one got him. Some of the moves threw him off, Balance issues, said his knees started hurting after doing some of the jumps. I have to tell him to settle down, and modify the exercises to what he could do without hurting himself. We got through it no pause or break. I am jumping more, squatting deeper feeling better. Still freaking hardest one to do! Or I just push myself close to the limits. He already went to bed and crashed. Well he had better, crap, look at the time. 1:15am. Ugh what am I doing? Thanks everybody for reading. Please leave comments or questions. Don't be scared to ask!! I sure could use some recovery drink. I don't have any:( Drink your Shakeology!! YUM!! Later, bed time!!

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