Tuesday, March 1, 2011

P90X 1 on 1 V-Sculpt Review.

This is an AWESOME Workout! Concentration Curls out the ears and get ready for Pull-Up City! I really like the use of the resistance bands on this one. What I am not too sure about is the strap that you put in the door. It works great, but I wonder how long it will last being shut in the door like that and then being pulled on. This workout is a great change of pace for the Back & Bicep workout. (At least until the P90X:MC2 comes out.) I should have done this one on Wednesday but I can do Shoulder, Bi, Tri on Wed. and next week I might do it again on Wed. but try to get some pics in for you. The pull-ups are TOUGH! I'm not good at them anyway and I used the bands tonight, but I felt as though I was missing out on some of the exercise. Hey now, don't get me wrong there either. If you use the resistance bands right you can still get a great workout. V-Sculpt was a little more like the P90X workouts where you run through sets of workouts and then repeat. So there are 12 moves in all. 6 Back and 6 Bicep. Remember the strip set curls? They are back, but different. Down the rack curls! I have been through with the workout for about an hour now and I can feel it in my biceps & forearms. My back is feeling pretty good. Small burn still in my shoulders. I did throw in Ab Ripper X after the fact though to stay on track with my program. Tomorrow is back to cardio; Should be Plyometrics, but I think I will do Plyocide and Insanity's Fast and Furious! If you have any questions about P90X, P90X 1 on1 V-sculpt feel free to leave a comment or email me. And don't forget, more on P90X 1on1 V-Sculpt next week!.

Shannon Houk - Independent Team Beachbody Coach

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