Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The P90X Workout

P90X You’ve heard it men­tioned by celebri­ties, rel­a­tives, friends. You’ve seen it on shirts, hats, jackets.

You’ve seen the P90X infomer­cials, talk­ing about mus­cle con­fu­sion, mak­ing you lean and mus­cu­lar in 90 days. You’ve seen Tony Hor­ton on QVC, on CNN, in Men’s Health mag­a­zine talk­ing about P90X and other fit­ness pro­grams, and how long term fit­ness and health depend on mak­ing per­ma­nent lifestyle adjust­ments, includ­ing work­out out reg­u­larly and eat­ing right, as opposed to quick fixes.
Now you’ve seen all of this, and you’re curi­ous to see if P90X can work for you. I was curi­ous myself once. I have been through the workout 1 time along with some other programs. I started off at 215lbs. and am down to 187lbs. Great results were seen from the first time. How­ever, I wasn’t doing every­thing I could to truly max­i­mize my experience.

This time I’m going far­ther. I’m start­ing a new round of P90X, but I’m also incor­po­rat­ing a smarter nutri­tion and sup­ple­men­ta­tion plan.

First off, I’m mak­ing sure to take the P90X Recov­ery For­mula. Tony Hor­ton men­tions it in the P90X work­outs many, many times, it’s basi­cally like Gatorade with­out all the added sug­ars. It helps you main­tain energy and sta­mina, as well as keeping your mus­cles from get­ting as sore, help­ing you get through the entire P90X program.

I’m also incor­po­rat­ing Shake­ol­ogy "The Healthiest Meal of the Day" on a daily basis, to pro­vide a solid core to my nutri­tion plan. I’ve been drinking Shake­ol­ogy for a while now, and fully under­stand the impor­tance of it in my daily rou­tine. Shake­ol­ogy has totally made a difference in my life as I am a diabetic and with the combination of the workouts & Shake­ol­ogy my insulin intake has dropped. And my sugar levels are more in control than before. I’m really look­ing for­ward to see­ing how much my results ramp up with these additions.

I will also be incorporating Tony Horton's new book, "BRING IT" for extra support and knowledge. Tony Horton shares the fundamentals of the fitness philosophy that has helped millions of people transform their bodies and lives with photographs, easy-to-follow instructions, meal plans, and recipes.

The Revolutionary Fitness Plan for All Levels That BURNS FAT, BUILDS MUSCLE, and SHREDS INCHES!

You can watch my P90X jour­ney, as I will keep updating my progress and post pictures along the way. And maybe an occaional video also. Are you ready to begin your jour­ney? If so, click P90X and let’s do this thing together! I will be doing my fit test & pictures this Sunday, January 3rd for any who want to join me.

Independent Beachbody Coach Shannon Houk
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